
الطبيعة هي الأصل

شركة عائلية

توصيل سريع

جودة عالية

تقوي المناعة

مشهور عالميًا

فوائد صحية

مجموعة الزيوت الطبيعية

المنتجات المفضلة

• كما شوهد على ...

تراث الأجداد وبراعة الأحفاد

• الحواج •

تجارب عملائنا

Faisa Hana
Excellent Service, Product & Quality
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We recently ordered Organic Black Seeds from El Hawag and the service was incredibly pleasing. We were initially worried about the fact the warehouse is located abroad however our experience certainly exceeded our expectations. We were impressed by the fast delivery service the company offered with such short notice & combined with the level of customer service quality received we highly recommend ELHAWAG...
Zwart Goud
Very trustworthy company!
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Very trustworthy company! Very involved! I could aks them anything Alhamdulilah 🤲 There was some trouble with my bank and i was daily updated. I will be buying my seeds here next time again in sha Allah. DjazakAllahu ghairoun for everything!
Sebastian Reifegerste
German Customer Review
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We are a very big german customer from the health sector we are working in tons level of herbs with the company ELHAWAG together since many years. Mr.Gooma is a personal friend of mine i cant say anything bad about him only good things! He is working proper ,in time and always with good ideas to make the process more efficient. We love it and continue to work with him for hopefully many years.
Ahmad Muhammad
Actually ELHAWAG is very wonderful company
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The products are very good and amazing. And another interesting feature of the company is their excellent human relation. In fact, they are good in the way they treat customers, and they are honest and sincere in their dealings. In fact, they are the best I ever know and work within Egypt and the whole Arab countries.
Lawrence Dixon
The customer service is beyond…
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The customer service is beyond excellent! With respect to the time difference I never had a problem getting a timely response to any of my questions. They walked me through the entire process from beginning to end. The Elhawag company was extremely transparent which made the wire transfer process a breeze (this was my first time wiring money internationally). The product was securely packaged and the quality was exceptional!!!!!!!!!!!! I would recommend them to anyone looking for oils or honey. I am a customer for life!!!!!!!!!
Kamal Fahmy
All the products high value
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All the products high value. Almost the best in all the market. More than 5 years I get ELHAWAG oils to Georgia and really all the Georgian like it so much. Customer service is wonderful all the time... wish you more successful.
أحاسيس مبهجة

مقدمة زيوت جديدة وطبيعية

هل تبحث عن بديل طبيعي؟ يلجأ العديد من الأشخاص إلى الزيوت الطبيعية كوسيلة لتعزيز صحتهم، مع تقليل تعرضهم للمواد الكيميائية الضارة المحتملة الموجودة في العديد من المنتجات التجارية. الزيوت الطبيعية مليئة بالعناصر الغذائية الأساسية، مثل الفيتامينات والمعادن، التي تساعد على تغذية وتجديد شباب الجلد والشعر والأظافر. فما تنتظرون؟

تعزيز الصحة والجمال

الزيوت المفضلة

تحقق من بعض أفضل الزيوت الطبيعية لدينا من حيث الجودة والفوائد الصحية. عند تناوله كمكمل صحي. أو في الطعام. وكذلك عند تطبيقه موضعياً على بشرتك. الشعر والوجه!







May make Memory Stronger



Kills Bacterial Microbes



Soothes the Stomach


في الاعتماد

تمامًا كما يجب على جميع المصنعين ذوي الخبرة... نحن في شركة الحواج ندرك أهمية معايير الامتثال الدولية في السلامة والجودة! خاصة عندما ترتبط بشكل مباشر بصحة وسلامة المستهلك النهائي. لذلك، نحن فخورون بكوننا حاصلون على شهادة ISO. وكذلك حاصلون على اعتمادات أخرى. اتصل بنا لمزيد من المعلومات.


Over 80 Years of Experience

Yes! 84 Years of service & supply of the highest order. Established almost a century ago… So as we look forward to what would be considered a يوبيل الجرانيت ٩٠ سنة in business…

ندعوك أن تتواصل معنا اليوم حتى تكتشف the fruits of over 80 years…

يمتد على مدى ٣ أجيال من تراث في صناعة الأدوية الطبيعية! نعم استفسر الآن وتعرف على سبب ازدهارنا من خلال اختبارات الزمن


أفضل جودة

As we are truly an experienced retailer. Manufacturer. Supplier. Wholesaler. And distributor… We understand the importance of quality!

نعم! نحن نعلم أنه ليس كل المشترين يتبعون نفس الشيء! لذلك، نحن نقدم أفضل الجودة لاحتياجاتكم التجارية

So, if you are after higher quality levels to compete in luxury or premium markets… Look no further than us! Also, if you are targeting a more economy range… The we are at your service once again!